Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Arie's favorite art of the week!

                         Wow, I really love the art style of this Bec Noir Artwork! They even included the Red Miles in the BG! Simple, but awesome! I'd rate it 8/10!

Credit/Where I found it:

My things I love stamps! HOMESTUCK EDITION

I love Sollux! He's my favorite male troll!

I love Terezi! She's my favorite female troll!

I love Kanaya too... <3 p="">

Yep, I have motherly love, no, just kidding. But I'm a Virgo!

IDK, pretty cool, I guess.

AWWW! Ship it so haaaard!

Free Commissions!

I am taking free drawing commissions. Here are details, and what I can draw.
-Your pony OCs
-Your Animal Jam avatar

I can draw it pencil to paper, or with Sketchbook S, but I am better with pencil to paper. I am going to take 2 at a time, due to my busy life! Here are some sketches I have made. I am currently working on a pony OC for someone. Please contact me on G+ or here if you want to request one!